So many of our problems arise simply from people pretending and
Charlie Chaplin was once on holiday in Europe
in the early 1920s. There happened to be a "Charlie Chaplin look-a-like
competition" nearby on the beach so, despite protestations, his wife persuaded
him to enter ... and he came third! Two men with canes and moustaches looked more
like Charlie Chaplin than did the real Charlie Chaplin!
Again, look at the words we use in our
prayers: look at their number and intonation. And, anyway, who is this show
for? It is unlikely to be for God because we pray differently in private;
perhaps we should rather concentrate on our inner intention. Would we pray like
that in our locked room?
Occasionally we do need to be careful about
appearances. The obvious examples relate to when we have dealings with ‘the
world’ who will start to judge us with a single glance. It is good to avoid
appearing worldly before the eyes of the world but it is just as important not
to want to appear Holy before the church. Being Holy should occupy all our
strength, so that there is no energy left over with which to think of
appearances: God said ‘be Holy’ but he never said that we ought to ‘appear to
be Holy’.
The ultimate example of appearances is the
cross, which illustrates the dangers of appearances getting out of hand: Jesus
was condemned to death by the custodians of the Jewish faith who thought that
their observances and their way of living was closer to God’s heart than was
that of Jesus. The Jews put God on a cross because God was perceived to be
blasphemous, that is, they thought that God was living and speaking against
God! We must be real and not a caricature
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