Tuesday 14 March 2017


Christians today use the word ‘Alleluia’ to express an overflow of thanksgiving, joy, praise, and triumph. The word is interchangeable with ‘Hallelujah’. Both translate the Hebrew phrase, ‘praise the Lord’.
Alleluia is generally used it in its original form (preserved and not translated) and has been since the very earliest times. For example, the Liturgy of St Mark, which is the most ancient of all the preserved of the world’s liturgies, instructs the person preaching to ‘Follow the “Let us pray” with “the Prologue of the Alleluia”.’ Here, the ‘Prologue of the Alleluia’ is a prayer or verse sung by the choir to introduce readings from the Gospel.
    We say ‘Alleluia’ as we read the Gospel because it tells us about Jesus and his mighty deeds of grace and forgiveness. Indeed, the word ‘Gospel’ means literally ‘The Good news’.
    And we say ‘Alleluia’ and “Hallelujah’ every day of Easter. For
example, on the Sundays of Easter, we repeatedly say, ‘Alleluia, Christ is Risen!’ By this, we are not merely offering a simple word of praise. We are offering God praise and worship.
So when you say Alleluia with your lips, tell your soul to say ‘Yippee!’

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